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创建时间:  2020年04月14日 22:33  樊建荣    浏览次数:

杨 健











1. 低碳高效炼钢技术:高效、低成本、高品质钢的铁水预处理、转炉、精炼技术研究与新技术开发;

2. 无缺陷铸坯连铸技术:薄板、厚板、长材的铸坯质量控制技术研究、连铸新技术开发及高锰高铝钢的连铸新技术开发;

3. 高品质钢夹杂物控制技术:汽车板、硅钢、厚板钢、特钢、钢管钢等夹杂物控制技术研究及氧化物冶金技术开发;

4. 冶金人工智能技术:冶金过程大数据分析与自动控制技术开发。



2.1. 2024年3月课题组成员






2.2. 原课题组成员

2.2.1. 博士后

1. 2023届博士后:杨文魁

2. 2022届博士后:王磊

3. 2021届博士后:吴思炜

4. 2020届博士后:张涛,徐龙云

5. 2019届博士后:张银辉

6. 2015届博士后:王毓男

2.2.2. 博士生

1. 2022届博士生:潘晓倩,刘德坤

2. 2019届博士生:王睿之

3. 2018届博士生:徐龙云

2.2.3. 硕士生

1. 2023届硕士生:刘建秋,郭义,任苗苗,张青,杜海龙,林芷清

2. 2022届硕士生:蔡文菁,刘逸波,李婷婷,孙晗

3. 2021届硕士生:马超,黄淑媛,周杨鹏,张润灏

4. 2020届硕士生:蒋鹏,叶格凡,潘晓倩

5. 2015届硕士生:辛修令

6. 2014届硕士生:徐龙云,吴亦泉

2.3.4. 本科生

1. 2023届本科生:毕耀文

2. 2021届本科生:涂文浩

3. 2020届本科生:李海林

4. 2019届本科生:林芷清

5. 2018届本科生:张润灏

三、简 历








1999~ 2003年,日本名古屋大学材料工程专业博士研究生














1. 中国金属学会对外交流工作委员会副主任

2. 中国金属学会冶金人工智能技术分会副主任

3. 中国金属学会冶金反应工程分会副主任

4. 日本《ISIJ International》期刊编委

5. 英国《Ironmaking and Steelmaking》期刊编委

6. 中国《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》期刊编委

7. 中国金属学会炼钢分会委员

8. 中国稀土学会稀土在钢中应用专业委员会委员

9. 《工程科学学报》期刊编委

10. 《钢铁》期刊编委

11. 《炼钢》期刊编委

12. 《冶金自动化》期刊编委

13. 《连铸》期刊编委

14. 《上海金属》期刊编委

15. 上海交通大学兼职教授和博士生导师

16. 北京科技大学兼职教授和博士生导师

17. 东北大学兼职教授和博士生导师

18. 中南大学客座教授和博士生导师

19. 菠菜担保网论坛省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室学术委员会委员

20. 东北大学材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室暨电磁冶金技术及装备国家地方联合工程实验室学术委员会委员

21. 武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用省部共建教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员

22. 上海市归国华侨联合会特聘专家委员会委员

23. 原宝钢集团有限公司中央研究院学术委员会委员

24. 原宝钢-澳大利亚联合研发中心技术委员会委员,理事会理事

25. 原宝钢集团有限公司“宝钢技术业务专家”

26. 原《宝钢技术》第七届、《世界钢铁》第六届、《宝钢技术研究》第二届编委会编委

27. 原宝钢集团有限责任公司人才开发院兼职教授

28. 原宝钢金属学会第七届理事会理事


1. 2023年10月再次当选上海市欧美同学会第十届理事会理事

2. 2023年10月继续担任上海市归国华侨联合会特聘专家委员会委员

3. 2018年9月再次当选上海市欧美同学会第十届理事会理事

4. 2016年7月再次当选上海市欧美同学会第九届理事会常务理事,宝钢欧美同学会会长

5. 2015年8月上海市侨联第十一届委员,常委

6. 2014年9月再次当选上海市欧美同学会第九届理事会常务理事,宝钢欧美同学会会长

7. 2013年12月被聘请为上海市归国华侨联合会特聘专家委员会委员

8. 2011年1月当选为上海市欧美同学会常务理事、理事

9. 2010年9月担任上海市欧美同学会宝钢分会会长

10. 2010年4月当选上海市侨联第十届委员会委员


1. 2023年11月30日,Development of Steel Plates with Excellent HAZ Toughness after HHIW With Mg Deoxidation, The 13th China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, Xiamen, China.(大会报告)

2. 2023年8月24日,Progress on Oxide Metallurgy Technology,2023 International Conference on Secondary Refining and Inclusion Controlling。(大会报告)

3. 2023年7月28日,菠菜担保网论坛冶金学科的创新发展实践与思考,2023年第十八届全国高校冶金经理暨冶金学科高层论坛,沈阳。(大会报告)。

4. 2023年7月15日,菠菜担保网论坛冶金工程学科与教学科研进展,第二十九届全国高校冶金教学研讨会,北京。(大会报告)。

5. 2023年7月1日,转炉双渣法炼钢技术的开发,IJMMM矿物冶金与材料前沿论坛,北京。(大会报告)

6. 2023年6月27日,提高厚板焊接性能的氧化物冶金技术,2023年全国炼钢-连铸生产技术会,武汉。(大会报告)

7. 2023年5月20日, 考虑凝固坯壳与渣层的结晶器流场与卷渣的数值模拟与实验验证, 2022年(第二十二届)冶金反应工程学术会议, 长沙。(大会报告)

8. 2023年4月27日,菠菜担保网论坛冶金工程学科现状与发展,中国冶金教育学会本科教育研究分会成立大会暨全国高校冶金工程及相关专业建设研讨会,昆明。(大会报告)

9. 2023年4月26日,低碳双渣法转炉炼钢工艺与理论,第23届全国炼钢学术会议,杭州。(大会报告)

10. 2022年1月6日,被邀为the member of International Scientific Committee of the 8th HSLA Steels,Nanjing, China in November, 2022.

11. 2022年1月5日,被邀为ICS International Advisory Board of AIST 8th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS) 2-4 Aug 2022 Montreal, Canada.

12. 2021年12月24日,被《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》期刊编委会评委2021年度突出贡献专家。

13. 2021年12月15日,2021 China Symposium on Sustainable Iron- and Steelmaking Technology, Changsha, China, December 15-16, 2021, 特邀报告,分会场主持。

14. 2021年12月8日,The 8th Asia Steel International Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, December 5-9, 2021, 特邀报告,分会场主持。

15. 2021年11月9日,The 12th Korea-China Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, Changsha, China.(大会报告)

16. “2020年(第二十二届)全国炼钢学术会议”大会报告, 分会场主席,中国湛江,2020年11月12日。

17. 2019年11月1日,被聘请担任第十六届中日双边钢铁技术研讨会中国代表团团长,中国重庆

18. 2018年10月25日,2018 China Symposium on Sustainable Steelmaking Technology(CSST 2018) 大会技术委员会委员和分会场主席,并作特邀报告,中国天津

19. 2018年10月22日,The 10th China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology作大会主题报告,中国上海

20. 2018年8月2-3日,“2018年全国炼钢-连铸生产技术会” 大会主题报告,中国烟台

21. 2018年6月13-15日,7th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking(ICS 2018)第七届国际炼钢科技大会,技术委员会委员,分会场主席,意大利威尼斯

22. 2018年5月17日,“2018年(第二十届)全国炼钢学术会议”大会报告,分会场主席,中国成都

23. 2016年5月19日,“2016年(第十九届)全国炼钢学术会议”大会报告,分会场主席,中国长沙

24. 2015年10月21-23日,“第十届中国钢铁年会”暨“第六届宝钢学术年会”学术委员会委员,炼钢分会场负责人,中国上海

25. 2015年10月5-8日,2015年亚洲钢铁国际会议,分会场主席,特邀报告,日本横滨

26. 2015年5月12-14日,第六届国际炼钢科技大会,技术委员会委员,分会场主席,特邀报告,中国北京

27. 2014年11月24日,“高品质钢连铸生产技术及装备交流会”,大会主题发言和主会场主席,湖南长沙

28. 2014年10月10日,The 6th China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, 大会发言和会场主席,中国南京

29. 2014年9月15日,“欧洲钢铁环境能源大会”技术委员会委员,特邀报告,英国,米德尔斯堡

30. 2014年7月23日,The Second Australia‐China Joint Symposium on Metallurgy,分会场主席,澳大利亚悉尼

31. 2014年7月8日,全国炼钢-连铸生产技术会,大会主题发言,中国唐山

32. ,2014年5月20日,“第十八届全国炼钢学术会议大会报告”,分会场主席,中国西安

33. 2013年6月4-6日,“第五届宝钢学术年会”国际学术委员会委员,炼钢分会场负责人,中国上海

34. 2012年10月,“第五届世界炼钢大会”国际技术委员会委员,分会场主席,特邀报告,德国德累斯顿

35. 2012年9月,“第五届亚洲钢铁大会”大会组委会国际委员,分会场主席,特邀报告,中国北京

36. 2010年11月15-17日,“第四届宝钢学术年会”国际学术委员会委员,炼钢分会场负责人,中国上海

37. 2009年5月,“第四届亚洲钢铁大会”(韩国)大会组委会国际委员,特邀报告,韩国釜山

38. 2008年9月26-28日,“第三届宝钢学术年会”炼钢分会场负责人,中国上海


1. 2024年1月11日,评选为2021年度《连铸》发表优秀论文(Top5)(刘逸波,杨健*:中间包流场控制技术的进展,连铸,2021,(5):12-33)

2. 2023年2月21日,Top Cited Article 2021-2022,Jian Yang whose paper has been recognized as a top cited paper in: Steel Research International(Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Yanqiu Shi, Zhijun Yang, Fubin Gao, Runhao Zhang, Gefan Ye:Effect of Temperature on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal in Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process by High-Temperature Laboratorial Experiments, Steel Research International, 2020, 92(3): 2000438-2000449.);

3. 2023年2月21日,Top Cited Article 2021-2022,Jian Yang whose paper has been recognized as a top cited paper in: Steel Research International(Wenkui Yang, Runhao Zhang, Han Sun, Jian Yang*:Dephosphorization in New Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process with High-Temperature Laboratorial Experiments, Steel Research International, 2022, 93(1): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100378.)

4. 2022年12月31日,2020年-2022年Ironmaking and Steelmaking最佳被引论文--排名第三(Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Yanqiu Shi, Zhijun Yang, Fubin Gao, Runhao Zhang,Gefan Ye. Effect of Basicity on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal with a Low Basicity Slag at 1653 K, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(1), 69-77.)

5. 2022年3月31日,IJMMM2021年度发表文章被引排行前二十名(排名第三名)(Si-wei Wu, Jian Yang*, and Guang-ming Cao:Prediction of Charpy V-notch Impact Energy of Low Carbon Steel by Using Shallow Neural Network and Deep Learning, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(8): 1309-1320.

6. 2022年3月31日,IJMMM2021年度发表文章被引排行前二十名(排名第八名)(Gefan Ye, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, Wenkui Yang and Han Sun: Behavior of Phosphorus Enrichment in Dephosphorization Slag at Low Temperature and Low Basicity, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(1): 66-75.(引用11次))

7. 2022年3月,杨健,上海市教育委员会在2021年度工作中做出重大贡献,记功.

8. 2021年2月1日获《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 》期刊2020年度优秀论文奖。(Longyun Xu, Jian Yang*, Ruizhi Wang, Wanlin Wang, Yunan Wang: Effect of Mg Addition on Formation of Intragranular Acicular Ferrite in Heat-affected Zone of Steel Plate after High-Heat-Input Welding, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2018, 25(4): 433-441.)

9. 2020年11月24日指导博士和硕士研究生杨文魁,张润灏,孙晗的“转炉洁净钢低成本深脱磷新工艺开发”项目获2020年江苏省冶金工程创新大赛荣获特等奖。

10. 2020年9月10日获菠菜担保网论坛卓越贡献奖—科学研究类。

11. 2020年1月3日获2019年度各大菠菜网入口科技创新奖。

12. 2018年5月,“炼钢引起的GA外板表面缺陷的研究”获2018年冶金科学技术奖二等奖。

13. 2017年11月28日,2016年度《连铸》杂志优秀论文特等奖(杨健,阮晓明,王睿之,祝凯,李成斌,范正洁:Mn含量对于连铸坯特性的影响),山西太原“第四届全国连铸工艺技术学术年会”。

14. 2017年10月31日“炼钢引起的GA外板表面缺陷的研究”获2017年中国宝武技术创新重大成果奖二等奖。

15. 2017年4月27日获韩国金属学会Metals and Materials. International杂志2017年度最佳论文奖。

16. 2016年12月28日金苹果炼钢技术领域团队当选中国企业侨界创新团队。

17. 2016年11月8日第四次评为宝钢炼钢技术领域首席研究员,前一任期评价为优秀。

18. 2016年6月20日再次当选为宝钢集团有限公司第三轮“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域团队负责人。

19. 2016年5月19日2016年(第十九届)全国炼钢学术会议,“Al含量对高锰TWIP钢中夹杂物的影响”被评为优秀论文并遴选为大会报告。

20. 2016年年1月29日金苹果炼钢技术团队荣获宝钢研究院2015年度优秀技术领域团队。

21. 2015年3月18日荣获日本铁钢协会西山纪念奖(中国人第一次获得)。

22. 2014年9月12日入选第五届中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖。

23. 2014年9月11日炼钢技术团队荣获“2013年度宝钢”讲理想、比贡献“竞赛先进集体贡献奖”。

24. 2014年1月27日金苹果炼钢技术团队荣获宝钢研究院2013年度优秀技术领域团队。

25. 2014年1月16日第三次评为宝钢炼钢技术领域首席研究员,前一任期评价为优秀。

26. 2013年4月再次当选为宝钢集团有限公司第二轮“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域团队负责人。

27. 2013年1月金苹果炼钢技术团队荣获宝钢研究院2012年度优秀技术领域团队。

28. 2013年1月“GA 外板原板质量提升攻关团队”被授予“2012年度宝钢股份优秀研发团队”称号。

29. 2012年9月获“十一五”期间中国钢铁工业优秀科技工作者称号。

30. 2012年1月金苹果炼钢技术团队荣获宝钢研究院2011年度优秀技术领域团队。

31. 2011年9月获中央企业侨联、国务院国资委党委统战部授予的“中央企业优秀归侨侨眷”称号。

32. 2011年3月入选上海基层党建每周一星。

33. 2011年1月7日第二次评为宝钢炼钢技术领域首席研究员,前一任期评价为优秀。

34. 2010年8月入选中国侨界贡献奖(创新人才)。

35. 2010年4月入选上海市"侨界十杰"。

36. 2009.年10月当选为宝钢集团有限公司“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域团队负责人。

37. 2007年8月1日被聘请为宝钢炼钢技术领域首席研究员。

38. 2007年4月被聘请为辽宁科技大学客座教授。

39. SAWAMURA Best Article Award of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan(日本钢铁协会泽村论文奖): March 2002.(J.YANG, S.OZAKI, R.KAKIMOTO, K.OKUMURA, M.KUWABARA and M.SANO: Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Carbothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int. 41(2001), pp. 945-954.)

40. SAWAMURA Best Article Award of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan(日本钢铁协会泽村论文奖): March 2007. (Z. Z. Liu, Y. Kobashi, K. Nagai, J. Yang and M. Kuwabara: Morphology and Precipitation Mechanism of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steels, ISIJ Int., 46(2006), No. 5, pp. 744-753.)

41. SEM photos revealed on the Cover of Materials Transactions, Vol. 47, September, 2006.(Z. Z. Liu, Y. Kobayashi, J. Yang, K. Nagai and M. Kuwabara: Effect of Nano-scale Copper Sulfide Precipitation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Steel with Tramp Copper Element, Mater. Trans., 47(2006), No. 9, pp. 2312-2320.)

42. 日本文部省奖学金: 2000.4~2003.3 (3年)


1. 企业横向课题(江苏沙钢),23H01571, 沙钢卷板连铸机结晶器流场优化与夹渣翘皮缺陷解析研究,主持

2. 企业横向课题(华菱湘钢),特厚板坯全断面第二相粒子及组织解析,主持。

3. 企业横向课题(首钢迁钢),汽车外板非稳态连铸交接坯大型夹杂物分布与中间包控制技术研究,主持。

4. 企业横向课题(宝钢),汽车板表面缺陷及铸坯夹杂物的识别与评估,主持。

5. 企业横向课题(河北天柱钢铁),河北天柱钢铁低成本洁净钢平台技术研发,主持。

6. 企业横向课题(兴澄特钢),150mm厚度连铸结晶器流场优化研究,主持。

7. 企业横向课题(兴澄特钢),齿轮钢奥氏体晶粒度稳定性控制研究,主持

8. 企业横向课题(宝钢),无取向硅钢夹杂物控制技术研究,主持

9. 企业横向课题(首钢京唐),中间包钢水洁净度提升与卷渣、翘皮缺陷控制,主持。

10. 企业横向课题(河钢乐亭),汽车面板表面质量控制炼钢连铸技术开发与应用,主持。

11. 国家自然科学基金钢铁联合研究基金重点项目:420-690MPa级别海工钢在Mg、Ca脱氧条件下第二相粒子与组织协同调 控的HAZ低温韧化机理研究,主持。

12. 企业横向课题(普阳钢铁),风塔板和耐磨钢夹杂物控制技术研究,主持。

13. 企业横向课题(沙钢荣盛),大线能量焊接钢炼钢生产工艺优化,主持。

14. 企业横向课题(华菱衡钢),冷拔油缸用钢夹杂物控制技术研究,主持。

15. 企业横向课题(鞍钢),炼钢四分厂连铸结晶器钢质缺陷控制研究,主持。

16. 企业横向课题(宝钢),IF 钢非稳态铸坯大型夹杂物与偏析研究,主持。

17. 企业横向课题(首钢迁钢), 汽车外板连铸工艺优化及钢质缺陷减量化技术开发,主持。

18. 企业横向课题(鞍钢),ASP炼钢引起的汽车外板表面缺陷炼钢连铸技术基础研究,主持。

19. 企业横向课题(鞍钢),ASP炼钢引起的汽车外板表面缺陷形成机理研究,主持。

20. 企业横向课题(唐钢),汽车外板连铸关键技术研究,主持。

21. 企业横向课题(宝钢梅钢),Mg处理对包晶钢夹杂物、组织和力学性能的影响,主持。

22. 企业横向课题(宁波钢铁),宁钢汽车钢钙处理工艺优化研究项目,主持。

23. 企业横向课题(河钢邯钢),邯钢汽车外板钢质缺陷控制技术开发,主持。

24. 企业横向课题(河钢邯钢),邯钢洁净钢低成本脱磷新工艺开发,主持。

25. 企业横向课题(首钢京唐),高拉速条件下板坯卷渣缺陷控制技术研究,主持。

26. 企业横向课题(首钢迁安),IF钢连铸坯遗传缺陷分析归户及减量化研究,主持。

27. 企业横向课题(华菱涟钢),冷轧板表面缺陷炼钢控制技术研究,主持。

28. 企业横向课题(宁波钢铁),宁钢洁净钢低成本脱磷新工艺开发,主持。

29. 企业横向课题(宝钢), GA外板缺陷三维表征与夹杂物全流程解析,主持。

30. 海洋工程用大线能量焊接厚板制备及配套焊材开发(国家十三五国家重点研发计划),课题负责人,2016.7-2020.12,国家专项经费800万元,自筹经费2500万元,合计3300万元。

31. 2016-2019年炼钢领域重点技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司第三轮“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域项目),总课题负责人,2016.7.1-2019.6.30,科研经费3335.5万元。

32. IF钢汽车板钢质缺陷改善(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2016.7.1-2019.6.30,科研经费289万元。

33. 炼钢厂KR法铁水预处理脱硫综合工艺技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2015.11.1-2017.12.31,科研经费142万元。

34. 2013-2015年炼钢领域重点技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司第二轮“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域项目):总课题负责人,2013.4.1-2016.3.31,科研经费5600万元。

35. 氧化物冶金新工艺与应用技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2013.4.1-2016.3.31,科研经费456万元。

36. 炼钢引起的GA外板表面缺陷控制技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2013.4.1-2016.3.31,科研经费500万元。

37. 中高锰汽车用钢冶炼连铸工艺技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2013.4.1-2016.3.31,科研经费196万元。

38. 2010-2012年炼钢领域重点技术研究(宝山钢铁有限公司第一轮“金苹果计划”炼钢技术领域项目):总课题负责人:2010.4.1-2014.12.31,科研经费4940万元。

39. 炼钢夹渣(杂)和气泡引起的GA外板表面缺陷的改善(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2010.4.1-2014.3.31,科研经费365万元。

40. 利用强脱氧剂的第三代氧化物冶金工业技术开发(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2010.4.1-2014.3.31,科研经费390万元。

41. 大线能量焊接用高强度厚规格钢板及焊接技术的开发(国家“863”计划专题课题), 课题技术负责人,2009.5.1-2011.12.31,科研经费1190万元。

42. 利用强脱氧剂的第三代氧化物冶金工艺开发,(宝山钢铁有限公司科研项目):课题负责人,2008.1.1-2010.6.30,科研经费190万元。


1) Tingting Li, Jian Yang*, Yuqi Zhang, Yanli Chen, Yinhui Zhang*, Longyun Xu and Rongbin Li: Effect of Al content on Inclusions and Microstructures in CGHAZ of Ca Deoxidized Steel Plates after HHIW, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 已接收.

2) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Longyun Xu, Liang Wang, Han Sun, Wenkui Yang, Jinqiao Gao: Dephosphorization Kinetics of Hot Metal at Low Slag Basicity and Low Temperature under the Different Fe2O3 Addition Amounts, Steel Research International, 2024, 95(1): http://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300661。

3) Han Sun, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, Longyun Xu:Insight into the structure and transport properties of CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system during the phosphorus enrichment process: A molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024, 已接收。

4) 王 亮,杨 健*,张同生:超低碳IF钢冶炼过程炉渣对夹杂物控制研究进展,炼钢。已接收。

5) Tingting Li, and Jian Yang*:State of the art in oxide metallurgy technology for improving weldability of high-strength low alloy steel,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 已接收.

6) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Wenkui Yang*, Han Sun:Development of Real time prediction of lime utilization ratio of dephosphorization in BOF steelmaking based on online sequential extreme learning machine with forgetting mechanism, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 已接受.

7) 杜海龙,张银辉*,杨健*,张宇,张玉旗: 工业实验Mg脱氧HSLA钢CGHAZ的夹杂物、组织及韧性的特征分析, 炼钢,已接受。

8) 代卫星,杨健*,王启明,黄崇德,吴佳辉,陈遥,汤林辉,陈根保:N08811耐蚀合金管坯探伤缺陷成因分析及工艺优化,中国冶金,2024,34(3):DOI:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-9356.20230624.

9) Miaomiao Ren, Jianjun Zhi, Zhengjie Fan, Jun Yang, Ruizhi Wang, Yanli Chen and Jian Yang*: Distribution of Large Size Inclusions in Transition Slabs of Continuous Casting for Automotive Exposed Panel Steel, Steel Research International, 2023, 94(10): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202300225.

10) Yi Guo, Jian Yang* and Jianqiu Liu:Optimization of Port Angle for Narrow Width Mold Flow Field under High Casting Speed Based on Large Eddy Simulation and High-Temperature Measurement of Velocity near the Mold Surface,Steel Research International,2023, 94(10): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202300346.

11) Yuqi Zhang, Yinhui Zhang*,1, Jian Yang*,2: Influence of Ti/N Ratio on Inclusions, Microstructures and Toughness in Heat-Affected Zone of Shipbuilding Steel Plates with Mg Deoxidation after High Heat Input Welding, Steel Research International, 2023,94(9): https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300283.

12) 代智鹏,杨健*,张庆松,白云,吴小林:汽车用齿轮钢奥氏体晶粒长大与第二相粒子控制技术研究进展,工程科学学报,2023,45(11):1878−1895。

13) Runhao Zhang and Jian Yang*:State of the art in applications of machine learning in steelmaking process modeling, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2023, 30(11): 10.1007/s12613-023-2646-1.

14) Jianqiu Liu, Yibo Liu, Qun Sun, Yang Lin, Lin Du, Jinsong Meng and Jian Yang*:Numerical simulation of transient submerged entry nozzle clogging with Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange frameworks, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2023, DOI:10.1007/s11663-023-02863-9.

15) Qing Zhang, Jian Yang*, and Tingting Li:Effect of Al2O3 Inclusions or Mold Flux Particles on Their Surrounding Microstructures of Sliver Defects on The Surface of Automobile Exposed Panel,Metals, 2023, 13(4), 661. https://doi.org/10.3390/met13040661.

16) 杨文魁,宋景凌,周 旋,朱庆桂,李恒华,刘合萍,杨 健*:铝脱氧25Mn钢圆铸坯中夹杂物的分布规律,炼钢,2023,39(04):1-12。

17) 盖一铭,杨健*:低硅钢种LF精炼控硅脱硫技术进展,炼钢,2023,39(03):1-15。

18) 张玉旗,张银辉,杨健*:Mg处理对厚板中第二相粒子、HAZ组织及韧性的影响,炼钢,2023, 39,(02): 1-17+35。

19) 陈妍利,杨健*: 利用Ca、Zr和稀土的氧化物冶金技术最新进展, 炼钢,2023, 39(01): 1-16.。

20) Qing Zhang, Jian Yang*, Tingting Li, Jian Gong, Fuxiang Huang, Keran Zhu, Fenggang Liu, and Zhentong Liu: Characteristics of Inclusions and Microstructures around Solidification Hook of Low-carbon Steel Continuous Casting Slab, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2023.7, 10.1007/s11663-023-02846-w.

21) Hailong Du, Yinhui Zhang*, Yuqi Zhang and Jian Yang*: Effect of Mo content on impact toughness of CGHAZ in offshore engineering steels at different low temperatures, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2023, http://metal.nestor-edp.org/metal/user/article/view/metal20230010.

22) Tingting Li, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang, Yanli Chen and Yuqi Zhang: Particles, Microstructures and Impact Toughness of CGHAZ of Ca Deoxidation Shipbuilding Steel Plates with Different Nb Contents, Steel Research International, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300020

23) Han Sun, Wenkui Yang*, Runhao Zhang and Jian Yang*:Phosphorus Enrichment Capacity of Calcium Silicates in Multiphase Dephosphorization Slag Based on Laboratory High Temperature Experiments and IMCT, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2023, DOI: 10.1007/s11663-023-02790-9

24) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Han Sun, Runhao Zhang, Jingling Song, Yinghui Zhao and Xuan Zhou: Formation and Evolution Mechanism of the Inclusions of Al2O3·SiO2·CaO and Al2O3·SiO2·CaO·MgO in Seamless Steel Tube Steel, Steel Research International, 2023,https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300106.

25) Zhiqing Lin, Jian Yang*, Fuxiang Huang, Keran Zhu, Jian Gong, Zhentong Liu, Fenggang Liu:Influence of Casting Speed Change and Submerged Entry Nozzle Offset on Mold Flow Field in Unsteady-state Continuous Casting Process,Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2023, 120(2): DOI10.1051/metal/2023020.

26) Tongsheng Zhang, Fanfu Wu, Jian Yang*: Effect of basicity on the flow and crystallization behavior of synthetic nickel–iron alloy residue, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(11PA): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.02.068

27) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang: Effect of Boron Content on Microstructure and Impact Toughness in CGHAZ of Shipbuilding Steel Plates with Ca Deoxidation, Steel Research International, 2023, 94(1): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200278.

28) Miaomiao Ren, Jianjun Zhi, Zhengjie Fan, Ruizhi Wang, Yanli Chen and Jian Yang*: Influence of Ladle Exchange on Inclusions in Transition Slabs of Continuous Casting for Automotive Exposed Panel Steel, Metals, 2022, Doi: 10.3390/met13020404.

29) Wenjing Cai, Jian Yang*, Liqin Deng, Kanglin Zuo and Xufeng Wu: Mechanism of Improvement on the Transverse Corner Crack of Peritectic Steel Slab with Mg Treatment, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1051/metal/2022081.

30) Han Sun, Jian Yang*, Wen-kui Yang* and Run-hao Zhang: Comprehensive Evaluation of Phosphorus Enrichment Capacity for Decarburization Slag at Different Temperatures Based on Industrial Experiments, IMCT and Mineral Phase Analysis, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2022, 53B(12): DOI: 10.1007/s11663-022-02674-4。

31) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Siwei Wu, Han Sun, Wenkui Yang: Comparison of the Prediction of BOF End-point Phosphorus Content among Machine Learning Models and Metallurgical Mechanism Model, Steel Research International,2022, 93(11): https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200682.

32) Han Sun, Jian Yang*, Wenkui Yang and Runhao Zhang:Evaluation of Phosphorus Enrichment Capacity of CaO-SiO2-FeO-MgO-MnO-P2O5-Al2O3 Dephosphorization Slag Based on IMCT,Steel Research International, 2022, 93(11): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200662.

33) Yinhui Zhang, Jian Yang*, Dekun Liu and Xiaoqian Pan: Effect of Ca Deoxidation on Toughening of Heat-Affected Zone in High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels after Large-Heat-Input Welding, Metals,2022, 12(11): Doi: 10.3390/met12111830.

34) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang1 and Rongbin Li:Effect of Si content on the microstructures and toughness in heat affected zone of offshore engineering steels with Mg deoxidation, Steel Research International, 2022, 93(11): https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200534.

35) Lei Wang, Jian Yang*, YiBo Liu: Implementation and verification of a Quasi-Eulerian-Eulerian-IATE model for high-efficient prediction of polydispersed bubbly flows in a continuous casting mold, Chemical Engineering Science. 2022, 261(11): DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.117930

36) 杨文魁,杨健*,宋景凌,李恒华,周旋,刘合萍: 石油套管钢管壁内缺陷的形成机理, 工程科学学报,2022,44(09): DOI: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2022.01.11.002.

37) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, and Yinhui Zhang:Effect of B Segregation at PAGBs on Microstructures and Toughness in HAZ of Mg Deoxidized Shipbuilding Steel Plates, Steel Research International, 2022,93(8): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200102.

38) 杨健,李婷婷:稀土处理的无取向硅钢夹杂物控制研究进展,钢铁,2022, 57(07): DOI:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn0449-749x.20220054。

39) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang1, *, Yinhui Zhang1, * and Rongbin Li:Effect of the C and Si Contents on Microstructure and Impact Toughness in CGHAZ of Offshore Engineering Steel,Metallurgical Research & Technology2022, 119(6): https://doi.org/10.1051/metal/2022087.

40) Lei Wang, Jian Yang*, Yibo Liu: Numerical investigation for effect of polydisperse argon bubbles on molten steel flow and liquid slag entrapment in a slab continuous casting mold using multifluid-IATE-VOF model, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2022, 53B(6): 3707-3721. DOI: 10.1007/s11663-022-02634-y.

41) Yi Guo, Jian Yang*, Yibo Liu*, Wenyun He, Changliang Zhao and Yanqiang Liu: Numerical Simulation of Flow Field, Bubble Distribution and Solidified Shell in Slab Mold under Different EMBr Conditions Assisted with High-Temperature Quantitative Velocity Measurement, Metals 2022, 12(6): 1050, https://doi.org/10.3390/met12061050.

42) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Wenkui Yang*, Han Sun:Kinetics of Dephosphorization in double slag converter steelmaking process at different temperatures with industrial experiments and laboratorial experiments,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2022,53B(5): 3013-3024. DOI: 10.1007/s11663-022-02582-7.

43) Han Sun, Jian Yang*,Runhao Zhang and Wen-kui Yang: Influence of Temperature on Dephosphorization at Lower basicity and Lower Temperature Based on Industrial Experiments and IMCT, ISIJ International, 2022, 62(6): 1078–1090. IF=1.98

44) Xiaoqian Pan, Jianjun Zhi, Zhengjie Fan, Yinhui Zhang, Rongbin Li, and Jian Yang*: Morphology and Crystallography of Microstructures in Mg-Deoxidized Offshore Engineering Steels after Simulated Welding Thermal Cycles, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 2022, 49(5): 541-553. DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2021.2023850. IF=1.98

45) Wenjing Cai, Liqin Deng, Jian Yang*, Kanglin Zuo, and Xufeng Wu: Characteristics and Evolution of Inclusions in Ti-Bearing Peritectic Steel with Mg Treatment, Steel Research International, 2022, 93(5): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100668.

46) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang, and Longyun Xu: Effect of Mo Content on Nano-Scaled Particles, Prior Austenite Grains and Impact Toughness of CGHAZ in Offshore Engineering Steels, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2022, 29(5): 846-858. DOI: 10.1007/s42243-021-00639-6.

47) Ting-ting Li, Jian Yang*, Guang-bang Li, Wei Kang, Yang Lin, Jin-song Meng: Characteristics of sliver defects caused by mould flux entrainment on the surface of the hot-dip galvanised automobile exposed panel, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2022, 49(5): 456-471. DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2021.2004534.

48) Tae Sung Kim, Jian Yang, and Joo Hyun Park:Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Slag on the Removal Rate of Alumina Inclusions in the Ruhrstahl-Heraeus (RH) Refining Conditions, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2022, 53(4): 2523-2533.

49) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang:Toughness and fracture mechanism at low temperature of offshore engineering steel at different welding heat inputs,Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2022,119(4): 405. https://doi.org/10.1051/metal/2022041.

50) Han Sun and Jian Yang*: Evolution behaviour and modification mechanism of inclusions in NM500 wear-resistant steel with calcium treatment, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2022, 49, https://doi.org/10.1080/03019233.2022.2060458.

51) YiBo Liu, Jian Yang*and Zhiqing Lin:Mathematical Modeling of Mold Flow Field and Mold Flux Entrainment Assisted with High Temperature Quantitative Velocity Measurement and Water Modeling,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2022, 53B(4), 2030-2050. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-022-02495-5. IF=2.57

52) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, and Yinhui Zhang: Microstructure Evolution in Heat-Affected Zone of Shipbuilding Steel Plates with Mg Deoxidation Containing Different Nb Contents, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2022, 53A(4): 1512-1528.

53) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang: In-situ Observation of Bainite Transformation in CGHAZ of 420 MPa Grade Offshore Engineering Steel with Different Mo Contents, ISIJ International, 2022, 62 (4): 714–725.

54) Yibo Liu, Jian Yang*, Chao Ma, Tao Zhang, Fubin Gao, Taiquan Li, Junli Chen: Mathematical Modelling of Flow Field in Slab Continuous Casting Mold Considering Mold Powder and Solidified Shell with High Temperature Quantitative Measurement, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2022, 29(3): 445-461.

55) Wenkui Yang, Runhao Zhang, Han Sun, Jian Yang*:Dephosphorization in New Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process with High-Temperature Laboratorial Experiments, Steel Research International, 2022, 93(1): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100378. IF=2.01Top cited article 2021-2022 in Steel Research International

56) 张润灏, *,叶格凡,孙 晗,杨文魁:转炉脱磷工艺的最新进展,炼钢,2022,38(1):1-13。

57) Jianqiu Liu, Jian Yang*, Chao Ma, Yi Guo, Wenyuan He, Changliang Zhao, Renbo Jiang, Yintao Guo: Effect of Mold Width on the Flow Field in a Slab Continuous-Casting Mold with High-Temperature Velocity Measurement and Numerical Simulation, Metals, 2021, 11(12): 1943-1961.

58) Yibo Liu, Jian Yang*, Fuxiang Huang, Keran Zhu, Fenggang Liu and Jian Gong: Comparison of the Flow Field in a Slab Continuous Casting Mold between the Thicknesses of 180 mm and 250 mm by High Temperature Quantitative Measurement and Numerical Simulation, Metals, 2021, 11(12): 1886-1904.

59) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang: Microstructure and Fracture Characteristics of Heat-Affected Zone in Shipbuilding Steel Plates with Mg Deoxidation after High Heat Input Welding, Steel Research International, 2021, 92(11): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100376. 2100376-2100391.

60) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Han Sun, Wenkui Yang: Kinetics of Dephosphorization at Different Slag Basicities in the Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process, Steel Research International, 2021, 92(11): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100256. 2100256-2100268.

61) Xiaoqian Pan, Jianjun Zhi, Zhengjie Fan, Yinhui Zhang, Jian Yang*: Relationship between the Microstructure and Impact Toughness of the Coarse-Grained Heat-Affected Zone for Offshore Engineering Steels with Different Mg Contents, Steel Research International, 2021, 92(10): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100099. 2100099-2100112.

62) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, Han Sun: Microstructure and Viscosity of Dephosphorization Slag in New Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process, ISIJ International, 2021, 61 (10): 2490–2500.

63) Runhao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Wenkui Yang, Han Sun: Kinetic Model of Dephosphorization in the New Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(10): 1277-1290.

64) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, and Han Sun: Effect of the Initial P Content on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal with Low Basicity Slag at 1623 K, Steel Research International,2021, 92(9): DOI: 10.1002/srin.202100066. 2100066-2100076.

65) Wen-kui Yang, Jian Yang*, Run-hao Zhang, Han Sun, Yun-long Qiu: Effect of the Basicity on Mineralogical Phases and Micro-Structure of Dephosphorization Slag in the New Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process, Metals, 2021, 11(9): 1480-1494.

66) Si-wei Wu, Jian Yang*, and Guang-ming Cao:Prediction of the Charpy V-notch impact energy of low carbon steel using a shallow neural network and deep learning, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(8): 1309-1320. (2022331日,IJMMM2021年度发表文章被引排行前二十名(排名第三名))

67) *, 吴思炜: 基于机器学习的钢铁轧制过程性能预测研究进展,钢铁,2021,56(9): 1-9。

68) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Qingdong Zhong, Yunlong Qiu, Guoguang Cheng, Meiyi Yao, Jianxin Dong: Effects of Coarse Particles, Prior Austenite Grains, and Microstructures on Impact Toughness in Heat-Affected Zone of Mg Deoxidation Steel Plates without or with Al Addition, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(8): 962-972.

69) , 蔡文菁:镁处理对钢中夹杂物以及HAZ组织和性能的影响,钢铁,2021,56(7): 13-24。

70) Dekun Liu, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang, Yunlong Qiu, Guoguang Cheng, Meiyi Yao, Jianxin Dong: Effect of Welding Heat Input on the Microstructure and Impact Toughness of HAZ in 420 MPa-Grade Offshore Engineering Steel, Frontier in Materials, 2021, 8(7): 694586-694600.

71) Han Sun, Jian Yang*, Xinwu Lu, Wanshan Liu, Gefan Ye, Runhao Zhang, Wenkui Yang: Dephosphorization in Double Slag Converter Steelmaking Process at Different Temperatures by Industrial Experiments, Metals, 2021, 11(7), 1030-1052.

72) 杨之俊,张润灏,杨健*,杨文魁,孙晗,高福彬:碱度和全铁含量对新双渣法转炉炼钢脱磷渣物相的影响,炼钢,2021,37(6): 15-21。

73) Siwei Wu, Jian Yang*: A convolutional Neural Network-Based Model for Predicting Lime Utilization Ratio in the KR Desulfurization Process, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2021, 118(6): 603-620.

74) 周杨鹏,杨健*,郑磊,和珍宝,左帅:风塔板钢炼钢连铸过程中夹杂物的演变,炼钢,2021,37(5):50-59。

75) 黄淑媛,杨健*,李广帮,康伟,廖相巍,田勇:薄厚度板坯连铸机非稳态连铸坯中夹杂物分布,炼钢,2021,37(5):67-75。

76) 刘逸波,杨健*:中间包流场控制技术的进展,连铸,2021,(5):12-33。

77) Han Sun, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, Wenkui Yang: Effect of Slag Basicity on Dephosphorization at Lower Basicity and Lower Temperature Based on Industrial Experiments and Ion-Molecular Coexistence Theory, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2021, 52B(5): 3403-3422.

78) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang, Joohyun Park, Hideki Ono: Influence of the Mg Content on the Austenite Grain Growth in Heat-Affected Zone of Offshore Engineering Steels Considering TiN Particle Pinning and Mo Solute Drag Effects, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2021, 118(4): 409-423.

79) 黄淑媛,罗钢,杨健*,徐刚军,周军军,郑庆:氧含量对超低碳钢炼钢连铸过程夹杂物演变的影响,炼钢,2021,37(4):38-48。

80) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Yinhui Zhang, Longyun Xu and Rongbin Li: Effects of Al addition on austenite grain growth, submicrometre and nanometre particles in heat-affected zone of steel plates with Mg deoxidation, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(4): 417-427.

81) 马超,何文远,乔焕山,赵长亮,杨健*:水口倾角大范围变化对宽板坯连铸结晶器流场的影响,炼钢,2021,37(4):16-24。

82) 周杨鹏,杨健*,鲁欣武,刘万善:钙处理低合金高强钢连铸过程中塞棒侵蚀机理及其改进,炼钢,2021,37(3):44-50+57。

83) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Yanqiu Shi, Zhijun Yang, Fubin Gao, Runhao Zhang, Han Sun: Effect of the Fe2O3 Addition Amount on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal with Low Basicity Slag by High-Temperature Laboratorial Experiments, Metals, 2021, 11(3): 417-433.

84) Chao Ma, Wenyuan He, Huanshan Qiao, Changliang Zhao, Yibo Liu, Jian Yang*: Flow Field in Slab Continuous Casting Mold with Large Width Optimized with High Temperature Quantitative Measurement and Numerical Calculation, Metals, 2021, 11(2): 261-280.

85) Yinhui Zhang, Jian Yang*, Dekun Liu, Xiaoqian Pan and Longyun Xu: Improvement of Impact Toughness of the Welding Heat-Affected Zone in High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels through Ca Deoxidation, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021, 52A(2): 668-679.

86) Gefan Ye, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang, Wenkui Yang and Han Sun: Behavior of Phosphorus Enrichment in Dephosphorization Slag at Low Temperature and Low Basicity, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(1): 66-75.(2022331日,IJMMM2021年度发表文章被引排行前二十名(排名第八名))

87) Tao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Gangjun Xu, Hongjun Liu, Junjun Zhou, Wei Qin: Effects of Operating Parameters on the Flow Field in Slab Continuous Casting Molds with Narrow Widths, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(2): 238-248.

88) 李婷婷,杨健*,黄福祥,朱克然,裴兴伟:连铸坯凝固钩形成机理与控制技术综述,炼钢,2021,37(1):44-56。

89) 蔡文菁,杨健*,邓丽琴,左康林,吴旭峰:包晶钢连铸坯角横裂的产生机理与控制技术综述,炼钢,2021,37(2):37-46+57。

90) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Yanqiu Shi, Zhijun Yang, Fubin Gao, Runhao Zhang,Gefan Ye. Effect of Basicity on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal with a Low Basicity Slag at 1653 K, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(1), 69-77. 2022年:过去三年最佳被引论文第三名)

91) Wenkui Yang, Jian Yang*, Yanqiu Shi, Zhijun Yang, Fubin Gao, Runhao Zhang, Gefan Ye:Effect of Temperature on Dephosphorization of Hot Metal in Double-Slag Converter Steelmaking Process by High-Temperature Laboratorial Experiments, Steel Research International, 2021, 92(3): DOI10.1002/srin.202000438. 2000438-2000449.(202241日,Top Cited Article 2020-2021Jian Yang whose paper has been recognized as a top cited paper in: STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL)

92) Siwei Wu, Jian Yang*, Guangming Cao, Yunlong Qiu, Guoguang Cheng, Meiyi Yao, Jianxin Dong: Elevating Prediction Performance for Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Strips by Using Semi-supervised Regression and Deep Learning, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8(1): 134124-134136.

93) 徐龙云,杨健*,王睿之:Mg脱氧夹杂物对大线能量焊接HAZ组织的影响,工程科学学报,2020,42(S1):9-13。

94) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*, Joohyun Park, Hideki Ono: Distribution Characteristics of Inclusions Along with the Surface Sliver Defect on the Exposed Panel of Automobile: A Quantitative Electrolysis Method, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(11): 1489–1498.

95) Xu Longyun, Yang Jian*: Effects of Mg Content on Characteristics of Nanoscale TiN Particles and Toughness of Heat-Affected Zones of Steel Plates after High-Heat-Input Welding, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51A(9): 4540-4548.

96) Xiaoqian Pan, Jian Yang*: Probable Maximum Sizes of Inclusions Predicted by SEV and PSD for BH Steels of Automobile Exposed Panel with Different Sulfur Content, Metals, 2020, 10(5): 637-647.

97) Siwei Wu, Jian Yang*, Runhao Zhang and Hideki Ono: Prediction of Endpoint Sulfur Content in KR Desulfurization Based on the Hybrid Algorithm Combining Artificial Neural Network with SAPSO, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8(1): 33778-33791.

98) 蒋鹏, 何文远, 乔焕山, 赵长亮, 张涛, 杨健*: 汽车外板连铸结晶器流场与SEN出口形状优化, 炼钢, 2020, 36(1):34-42+56。

99) Siwei Wu, Jian Yang* and Zhenyu Liu: Composition-Processing-Property Correlation Mining of Nb-Ti Microalloyed Steel Based on Industrial Data, Materials Transactions, 2020, 61(4): 691-699.

100) Longyun Xu, Jian Yang*, Joohyun Park, Hideki Ono: Mechanism of Improving Heat-Affected Zone Toughness of Steel Plate with Mg Deoxidation after High-Heat-Input Welding, Metals, 2020, 10(2):162-177.

101) Peng Jiang, Jian Yang*, Tao Zhang, Gangjun Xu, Hongjun Liu, Junjun Zhou, Wei Qin: Optimization of Flow Field in Slab Continuous Casting Mold with Medium Width Using High Temperature Measurement and Numerical Simulation for Automobile Exposed Panel Production, Metals, 2020, 10(1): 9-25.

102) Yinghui Zhang, Jian Yang*, Longyun Xu, Yunlong Qiu, Guoguang Cheng, Meiyi Yao and Jianxin Dong: The Effect of Ca Content on the Formation Behavior of Inclusions in the Heat Affected Zone of Thick High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Plates after Large Heat Input Weldings, Metals, 2019, 9(12): 1328-1345.

103) Yinghui Zhang and Jian Yang*: CALPHAD-based Alloy Design of Cast Austenitic Heat-resistant Steels with Enhanced Strength at 1000 °C, Calphad, 2019, 67(12): 101679-101690.

104) 潘晓倩,杨健*,职建军,王睿之,范正洁,徐龙云: 超低碳汽车外板BH钢炼钢过程中夹杂物的演变,钢铁,2019,54(8):48-57。

105) 叶格凡,杨健*,鲁欣武,王辉,刘万善,张润灏,杨文魁:工艺参数对低温低碱度条件下转炉脱磷效果的影响,炼钢,2019,35(6):16-23。

106) Siwei Wu, Jiakuan Ren, Xiaoguang Zhou, Guangming Cao, Zhenyu Liu, Jian Yang*: Comparisons of Different Data-driven Modeling Techniques for Predicting Tensile Strength of X70 Pipeline Steels, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2019, 72(5): 1277-1288.

107) Tao Zhang, Jian Yang*, Peng Jiang: Measurement of Molten Steel Velocity near the Surface and Modeling for Transient Fluid Flow in the Continuous Casting Mold, Metals, 2019, 9(1): 36-51.

108) Longyun Xu, Jian Yang* and Ruizhi Wang: Influence of Al Content on the Inclusion-Microstructure Relationship in the Heat-Affected Zone of a Steel Plate with Mg Deoxidation after High-Heat-Input Welding, Metals, 2018, 8(12): 1027-1042.

109) Yinhui Zhang, Jian Yang*: Formation of Nb(C,N) Carbonitride in Cast Austenitic Heat-Resistant Steel during Directional Solidification under Different Withdraw Rates, Materials, 2018, 11(12): 2397-2414.

110) Yinhui Zhang, Jian Yang*: Effect of N/C Ratio on Precipitation Behavior of (Cr,Fe)23C6 Carbide in Novel Cast Austenitic Heat-Resistant Steels during Directional Solidification, Metals, 2018, 8(9): 678-693.

111) Ruizhi Wang, Jian Yang*, Longyun Xu: Improvement of Heat-Affected Zone Toughness of Steel Plates for High Heat Input Welding by Inclusion Control with Ca Deoxidation, Metals, 2018, 8(11): 946-961.

112) Longyun Xu, Jian Yang*, Ruizhi Wang, Wanlin Wang, Yunan Wang: Effect of Mg Addition on Formation of Intragranular Acicular Ferrite in Heat-affected Zone of Steel Plate after High-Heat-Input Welding, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2018, 25(4): 433-441. 2020 Best Paper Award of Journal of Iron and Steel Research International

113) 王睿之,杨健*,职建军:Ce含量对EH40船板钢热影响区夹杂物的影响,炼钢,2018,34(3):48-55。

114) 王睿之,杨健*:Ca系氧化物冶金工艺对夹杂物及组织的影响[J],炼钢,2017,33(5):39-45。

115) Longyun Xu, Jian Yang*, Ruizhi Wang, Wanlin Wang, Zhongmin Ren: Effect of Welding Heat Input on Microstructure and Toughness of Heated-affected Zone in Steel Plate with Mg Deoxidation, Steel Research International, 2017, 88(12): 1700157.

116) 徐龙云,杨健*,王睿之,王万林:Mg含量对焊接热影响区夹杂物及组织的影响,炼钢,2017,33(5):19-23。

117) Yuanyuan Yan, Gaofei Liang, Jian Yang*: Cause of Stamping Cracks on Pure Iron Magnetic Shielding Covers, Baosteel Technical Research, 2016, 10(4):12-17.

118) Xiu-ling Xin, Jian Yang*, Yun-nan Wang, Rui-zhi Wang, Wan-lin Wang, Hong-guang Zheng, and Han-tao Hu: Effects of Al content on non-metallic inclusion evolution in Fe-16Mn-xAl-0.6C high Mn TWIP steel, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 2016, 43(3): 234-242.

119) Longyu Xu, Jian Yang*, Ruizhi Wang, Yunan Wang, and Wanlin Wang: Effect of Mg Content on the Microstructure and Toughness of Heat-Affected Zone of Steel Plate after High Heat Input Welding, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(7): 3354-3364.

120) Wanlin Wang,Jingwen Li,Lejun Zhou,Jian Yang : Effect of MnO Content on the Interfacial Property of Mold Flux and Steel, Met. Mater. Int.,2016,22(4): 700~706. 2017 Best Paper Award of Korea Institute of Metals and Materials

121) 王睿之,杨健*,祝凯,王毓男:钙脱氧和镁脱氧的氧化物冶金工艺效果对比,炼钢,2016, 32 (3): 50-54。

122) Yunan Wang, Jian Yang*, Ruizhi Wang, Xiuling Xin, and Longyun Xu: Effects of Non-Metallic Inclusions on Hot Ductility of High Manganese TWIP Steels Containing different Aluminum Contents,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(3): 1697-1712.

123) Yunan Wang, Jian Yang*, Xiuling Xin, Ruizhi Wang, and Longyun Xu: The Effect of Cooling Conditions on the Evolution of Non-metallic Inclusions in High Manganese TWIP Steels. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(2): 1378-1389.

124) 杨健,软晓明,王睿之,祝凯,李成斌,范正洁:Mn含量对于连铸坯特性的影响,连铸,2016,41(1):1-5.

125) Jian Yang, Longyun Xu, Kai Zhu, Ruizhi Wang, Lejun Zhou, and Wanlin Wang: Improvement of HAZ Toughness of Steel Plate for High Heat Input Welding by Inclusion Control with Mg Deoxidation. Steel Research International, 2015, 86(6): 619-625.

126) Jian Yang, Yu-nan Wang, Xiao-ming Ruan, Rui-zhi Wang, Kai Zhu, Zheng-jie Fan, Ying-chun Wang, Cheng-bin Li, and Xiao-fang Jiang: Effects of Manganese Content on Solidification Structures, Thermal Properties, and Phase Transformation Characteristics in Fe-Mn-C Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46(3): 1353-1364.

127) Jian Yang, Yu-nan Wang, Xiao-ming Ruan, Rui-zhi Wang, Kai Zhu, Zheng-jie Fan, Ying-chun Wang, Cheng-bin Li, and Xiao-fang Jiang: Effects of Manganese Content on Solidification Structures, Thermal Properties, and Phase Transformation Characteristics in Fe-Mn-Al-C Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46(3):1365-1375.

128) Yu-nan Wang, Jian Yang*, and Yan-ping Bao: Effects of Non-metallic Inclusions on Machinability of Free-cutting Steels Investigated by Nano-indentation Measurements. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2015, 46(1): 281-292.

129) Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Boxun Lu, Guanghua Wen and Jian Yang: Effect of Basicity and B2O3 on Viscosity, Melting and Crystallization Behaviors of Low Fluorine Mold Fluxes for Casting Medium Carbon Steels, Met. Mater. Int., 2015, 21(1): 126~133.

130) Yunan Wang, Jian Yang*, and Yanping Bao: Characteristics of BN Precipitation and Growth during Solidification of BN Free-machining Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2014, 45(6): 2269-2278.

131) 吴亦泉,杨健,王睿之,祝凯,周乐君,王万林: Ca含量对船板结构钢中夹杂物的影响,宝钢技术,2014, (4): 28-32。

132) 徐龙云,杨健,王睿之,祝凯,周乐君,王万林: Mg脱氧对船板结构钢中Mg含量对夹杂物演变的影响, 宝钢技术,2014, (6): 7-12.

133) Jian Yang, Zhigang Ma, Kai Zhu, Ruizhi Wang and Qing Zheng: Development of Oxide Metallurgy Technology at Baosteel, Baosteel Technical Research, 2012, 9(3): 41-46.

134) 王睿之,杨健,职建军,祝凯:连铸中间包上水口及浸入式水口结瘤物分析,宝钢技术,2012,(5): 13-16.

135) 祝凯,杨健,王睿之: 厚钢板焊接热影响区失效机理分析及改善方法研究,世界钢铁,2012, 12(3): 57-61.

136) 祝凯, 杨健, 王睿之, 沈建国: 大线能量焊接钢板热影响区性能劣化机理分析及对策研究, 内蒙古科技大学学报, 2012, 31(3): 300-304.

137) Kai Zhu, Jian Yang, Ruizhi Wang: Effects of Zr on Acicular Ferrite Formation in the HAZ of Ti-bearing Low Carbon Steels with High Heat Input of Weld Thermal Simulations, Baosteel Technical Research, 2012,(2): 39-43.

138) Kai Zhu, Jian Yang, Rui-zhi Wang and Zhen-guo Yang: Effect of Mg Addition on Inhibiting Austenite Grain Growth of Ti-bearing Low Carbon Steels, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2011, 18(9): 60-64.

139) Jian Yang, Kai Zhu, Ruizhi Wang and Jianguo Shen: Exellent Heat Affected Zone Toughness Technology Improved by Use of Strong Deoxidizers, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2011, 18(8): 141-147.

140) Jian Yang, Kai Zhu Ruizhi Wang and Jianguo Shen:Improving the Toughness of Heat Affected Zone of Steel Plate by Use of Fine Inclusion Particles, Steel Research International, 2011, 82(5): 552-556.

141) 祝凯, 杨健,王睿之,沈建国,杨振国:钢中微细夹杂物评价分析方法,冶金分析,2011, 31(2): 1-7。

142) Jian Yang, Kai Zhu, Ruizhi Wang, Yi Zhang, Jianguo Shen: Excellent Heat Affected Zone Toughness Technology Improved by use of Strong Deoxidizers, Baosteel Technical Research, 2010, 4(4): 32-36.

143) Jun Du, Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Wenfang Li and Jihua Peng: Improvement of Grain Refining Efficiency for Mg-Al Alloy Modified by the Combination of Carbon and Calcium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 470(1-2): 134-140.

144) Jun Du, Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Wenfang Li and Jihua Peng: Effect of Strontium on the Grain Refining Efficiency of Mg-3Al Alloy Refined by Carbon Inoculation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 470(1-2): 228-232.

145) Jian Yang, Jian-guo Shen, Kai Zhu and Guo-dong Wang: Progress in Technology Development of Oxide Metallurgy for Manufacturing Steel Plates with Excellent HAZ Toughness, Baosteel Technical Research, 2008, 2(4): 43-50.

146) Jian Yang, Kai Zhu, Jian-guo Shen and Mamoru Kuwabara: Improvement of Steel Cleanliness by Deoxidation with Mg Vapor, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2008, 15(10): 675-680.

147) Jun Du, Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Wenfang Li and Jihua Peng: Effects of Carbon and/or Alkaline Earth Elements on Grain Refinement and Tensile Strength of AZ31 Alloy, Materials Transactions, 2008, 49(10): 2303-2309.

148) Jun Du, Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Wen-fang Li and Ji-hua Peng: Effect of Manganese and/or Carbon on the Grain Refinement of Mg-3Al Alloy, Materials Transactions., 2008, 49(1): 139-143.

149) Kouhei Yoshitaka, Jian Yang, Zhongzhu Liu and Mamoru Kuwabara: クロミア(Cr2O3)のAl熱還元反応の反応メカニズム, 高温学会誌, 2008, 34(1): 20-25.

150) Zhongzhu Liu, Yoshinao Kobashi, Kotobu Nagai, Jian Yang and Mamoru Kuwabara: Morphology Control of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting of Low Carbon Steel, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 2007, 93(11): 655-663.

151) Jun Du, Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Wen-fang Li and Ji-hua Peng: Effect of Iron and/or Carbon on the Grain Refinement of Mg-3Al Alloy, Mater. Trans., 2007, 48(11): 2903-2908.

152) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takashi Asano, Akihiro Chuma and J. Du: Effect of Lime Particle Size on Melting Behavior of Lime-containing Flux, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(10): 1401-1408.

153) Jian Yang, Tomoyuki Mori and Mamoru Kuwabara: Mechanism of Carbothermic Reduction of Hematite in Hematite-Carbon Composite Pellets, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(10): 1394-1400.

154) Tomoyuki Mori, Jian Yang and Mamoru Kuwabara: Mechanism of Carbothermic Reduction of Chromium Oxide, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(10): 1387-1393.

155) Ryousuke Takata, Jian Yang and Mamoru Kuwabara: Characteristics of Inclusions Generated during Al-Mg Complex Deoxidation of Molten Steel, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(10): 1379-1386.

156) Kazumasa Yasuda, Yasuo Saiki, Takasi Kubo, Mamoru Kuwabara and Jian Yang: Influence of High-Power Ultrasonic Irradiation on Primary Nucleation Process during Solidification, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 46(7B): 4939-4944.

157) Jian Yang, Tatsuhito Yamasaki and Mamoru Kuwabara: Behavior of Inclusions in Deoxidation Process of Molten Steel with in Situ Produced Magnesium Vapor, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(5): 699-708.

158) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takao Sakai, Naoyuki Uchida, Zhongzhu Liu and Masamichi Sano: Simultaneous Desulfurization and Deoxidation of Molten Steel with In Situ Produced Magnesium Vapor, ISIJ Int., 2007, 47(3): 418-426.

159) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takashi Sawada and Masamichi Sano: Rate of Isothermal Reduction of MgO with Al, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 2007, 93(3): 201-207.

160) Susumu Mukawa, Yoshiyuki Ueshima, Masamichi Sano, Jian Yang and Mamoru Kuwabara: The Effect of Magnesium Gas Injecting Conditions on the Rate of Hot Metal Desulfurization, ISIJ Int., 2006, 46(12): 1778-1782.

161) Zhongzhu Liu, Yoshinao Kobayashi, Jian Yang, Kotobu Nagai and Mamoru Kuwabara: Effect of Nano-scale Copper Sulfide Precipitation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Steel with Tramp Copper Element, Mater. Trans., 2006, 47(9): 2312-2320.(SEM Photos Revealed on the Cover of Materials Transactions)

162) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takashi Sawada and Masamichi Sano: Kinetics of Isothermal Reduction of MgO with Al, ISIJ Int., 2006, 46(8): 1130-1136.

163) Zhongzhu Liu, Yoshinao Kobayashi, Jian Yang, Kotobu Nagai and Mamoru Kuwabara: “In-situ” Observation of the delta/gamma Phase Transformation on the Surface of Low Carbon Steel Containing Phosphorus with Different Rates, ISIJ Int., 2006, 46(6): 847-853.

164) Yasuo Saiki, Takasi Kubo, Mamoru Kuwabara and Jian Yang: Acoustic-Cavitation-Based Production of Foamed Metallic Material, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2006, 45(5B): 4793-4799.

165) Zhongzhu Liu, Yoshinao Kobashi, Kotobu Nagai, Jian Yang and Mamoru Kuwabara: Morphology Control of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting of Low Carbon Steel, ISIJ Int., 2006, 46(5): 744-753. (SAWAMURA Best Article Award of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan)

166) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Zhongzhu Liu, Takashi Asano and Masamichi. Sano: Mechanism of Aluminothermic Reduction of MgO, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 2006, 92(4): 239-245.

167) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Keiji Okumura and Masamichi Sano: Effect of Operating Parameters on Resulfurization in Desulfurization Process with In Situ Produced Magnesium Vapor, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 2006, 92(4): 246-253.

168) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takayuki Teshigawara and Masamichi Sano: Resulfurization Rate in Magnesium Desulfurization Process of Molten Iron, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 2006, 92(4): 254-261.

169) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Zhongzhu Liu, Takashi Asano and Masamichi Sano: In Situ Observation of Aluminothermic Reduction of MgO with High Temperature Optical Microscope, ISIJ Int., 2006, 46(2): 202-209.

170) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Keiji Okumura, Zhongzhu Liu and Masamichi Sano: Improvement of Desulfurization Efficiency of Molten Iron with Magnesium, Revue de Metallurgie, 2005, (12): 22-23.

171) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Keiji Okumura and Masamichi Sano: Prevention of Resulfurization in the Desulfurization Process with Magnesium Vapor Produced In Situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int., 2005, 45(12): 1795-1803.

172) Jian Yang, Mamoru Kuwabara, Takayuki Teshigawara and Masamichi Sano: Mechanism of Resulfurization in the Magnesium Desulfurization Process of Molten Iron, ISIJ Int., 2005, 45(11): 1607-1615.

173) Takasi Kubo, Mamoru Kuwabara and Jian Yang: Visualization of Acoustically Induced Cavitation Bubbles and Microjets with the Aid of High Speed Camera, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, 44(6B): 4647-4652.

174) Jian Yang, Keiji Okumura, Mamoru Kuwabara and Masamichi Sano: Improvement of Desulfurization Efficiency of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In Situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2003, 34B(5): 619-629.

175) Masamichi Sano, Keiji Okumura, Jiayi Shan and Jian Yang: Iron and Steel Refining with Magnesium Vapor Injection, SEAISI Quarterly, 2003, 32(2): 12-18.

176) Takasi Kubo, Mamoru Kuwabara and Jian Yang: Analysis of the Behavior of Muti-Bubbles Generated by Acoustic Cavitations, Technical Report of IEICE (The Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers), 2003, 103(11): 35-37.

177) Kenyichi Kondo, Mamoru Kuwabara and Jian Yang::Model Experiment about Effects of Process Variables on Ultrasonic Decomposition of Chemical Substances in Wastewater, Technical Report of IEICE (The Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers), 2003, 103(11): 39-42.

178) Jian Yang, Keiji Okumura, Mamoru Kuwabara and Masamichi Sano: Behavior of Magnesium in the Desulfurization Process of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int. 2002, 42(7): 685-693.

179) Jian Yang, Keiji Okumura, Mamoru Kuwabara and Masamichi Sano: Effects of Operating Parameters on Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int. 2002, 42(6): 595-602.

180) Jian Yang, Keiji Okumura, Mamoru Kuwabara and Masamichi Sano: Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int. 2001, 41(9): 965-973.

181) Jian Yang, Seiji Ozaki, Ryoyichi Kakimoto, Keiji Okumura, Mamoru Kuwabara and Masamichi Sano: Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Carbothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide, ISIJ Int. 2001, 41(9): 945-954. (SAWAMURA Best Article Award of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan)


1) YANG Jian, GAO Shan, MA Zhigang, WANG Ruizhi, ZHANG Caiyi, WANG Junkai, XU Guodong, WANG Yunan:Thick Steel Plate for High Heat Input Welding and Having Great Heat-Affected Area Toughness and Manufacturing Method Therefor, US10889874B2, Jan. 12, 2021.

2) YANG Jian, GAO Shan, MA Zhigang, WANG Ruizhi, ZHANG Caiyi, WANG Junkai, XU Guodong, WANG Yunan:Thick Steel Plate for High Heat Input Welding and Having Great Heat-Affected Area Toughness and Manufacturing Method Therefor, US10837089B2, Nov. 17, 2020.

3) YANG Jian, GAO Shan, MA Zhigang, WANG Ruizhi, ZHANG Caiyi, WANG Junkai, XU Guodong, WANG Yunan:Thick Steel Plate for High Heat Input Welding and Having Great Heat-Affected Area Tougness and Manufacturing Method Therefor, EP3395985B1, Aug. 12, 2020.

4) Jian YANG, Jianjun ZHI, Kai ZHU,Jianhua ZHU, Zhengjie FAN, Ruizhi WANG: Device and Method for Continuously Measuring Flow Rate Near Liquid Steel Surface, US9630242B2, Apr. 25, 2017.

5) Jian YANG, Jianjun ZHI, Kai ZHU,Jianhua ZHU, Zhengjie FAN, Ruizhi WANG, Jianguo SHEN, Yiyu ZHENG: Device for Measuring Flow Rate of Steel Melt near a Surface of the Steel Melt, US9631958B2, Apr. 25, 2017.




1. 杨健,张玉旗,张银辉,李婷婷,陈妍利:一种大线能量焊接热影响区韧性优异的钢板及其制造方法,申请号:2024101870814,申请日:2024年2月20日。

2. 杨健,张玉旗,张银辉,李婷婷,陈妍利:一种大线能量焊接性能优异的钢板及其制造方法,申请号:202410187073X,申请日:2024年2月20日。

3. 杨健,张润灏,孙晗:一种不同温度下双渣法转炉炼钢富磷能力和流动性优异的脱磷渣及脱磷方法,申请号:2024101804259,申请日:2024年2月18日。

4. 杨健,张润灏,孙晗:一种双渣法转炉炼钢的脱磷方法,申请号:2024101804136,申请日:2024年2月18日。

5. 杨健,李婷婷,陈妍利,张玉旗:一种提高大线能量焊接用钙处理厚钢板及其制造方法,申请号:2024101870602,申请日:2024年2月20日。

6. 杨健,李婷婷,张玉旗,陈妍利,赵长亮,何文远,刘延强:一种大线能量焊接用钙处理厚钢板及其制造方法,申请号:2024101870439,申请日:2024年2月20日。

7. 杨健,陈妍利,李婷婷,张玉旗,赵长亮,何文远,刘延强:一种大线能量焊接热影响区韧性优异的钙处理厚钢板及其制造方法,申请号:2024101870299,申请日:2024年2月20日。

8. 杨健,孙晗,张润灏:一种同时提高低碳双渣法转炉炼钢脱磷期脱磷率和倒渣率的方法,申请号:2024101802925,申请日:2024年2月18日。

9. 杨健,张青,李婷婷:一种热轧板表面条状缺陷的非水定量电解分析方法,申请号:2024101802696,申请日:2024年2月18日。

10. 杨健,杨文魁,张润颢,孙晗,宋景凌,朱庆桂,周旋,李恒华,刘合萍:一种对钢中夹杂物进行观察分析的方法,申请号:202310019092.7,申请日期:2023.1.7。

11. 杨健,张青,李婷婷:一种低碳钢板坯连铸坯凝固钩组织的侵蚀方法,申请号:202210261297.1,申请日期:2022.3.16。

12. 杨健,张青,李婷婷:一种超低碳钢板坯连铸坯凝固钩组织的侵蚀方法,申请号:202210259764.7,申请日期:2022.3.16。

13. 杨健,李婷婷,杨晓江,单庆林,潘红伟,汪洪峰,李荣斌:一种热镀锌汽车外板表面保护渣型线状缺陷的检测方法,申请号:202111633676.0,申请日期:2021.12.29。

14. 杨健,潘晓倩,李荣斌:一种热镀锌汽车外板表面含Al2O3夹杂线状缺陷的检测方法,申请号:202111633810.7,申请日期:2021.12.29。

15. 杨健,张涛,陈军利,李太全,蒋鹏,马超,刘逸波:中等断面板坯结晶器钢液流场形态的控制方法,申请号:202110652313.5,申请日期:2021.6.12。

16. 杨健,孙晗,张润灏,叶格凡,杨文魁:双渣法转炉炼钢工艺脱磷渣碱度的控制方法,申请号:202010926690.9,申请日期:2020.9.7。

17. 杨健,叶格凡,张润灏,杨文魁,孙晗:双渣法转炉炼钢工艺促进脱磷期石灰化渣的方法,申请号:202010926687.7,申请日期:2020.9.7。

18. 杨健,蒋鹏,张涛,徐刚军,刘红军,周军军,秦伟,郑庆:板坯结晶器流场形态的判定方法,申请号:202010595223.2,申请日期:2020.6.28。

19. 杨健,蒋鹏,张涛:结晶器表面附近钢液流速的测量方法, 申请号:202010595249.7,申请日期:2020.6.28。

20. 杨健; 高珊; 马志刚; 王睿之; 张才毅; 王俊凯; 徐国栋; 王毓男:一种大线能量焊接热影响区韧性优异的厚钢板及其制造方法,申请号:201510974660.4,申请日期:2015.12.24。

21. 杨健; 高珊; 马志刚; 王睿之; 张才毅; 王俊凯; 徐国栋; 王毓男:一种大线能量焊接热影响区韧性优异的厚钢板及其制造方法,申请号:201510971509.5,申请日期:2015.12.24。

22. 甘菲芳, 金从进, 姚金甫, 赵明, 郑庆, 马志刚, 杨健:一种RH浸渍管热态喷补料及其使用方法,申请号201510534643.9,受理日期,2015-8-27。

23. 胡汉涛,马志刚,吴雄,杨健,徐国栋,王睿之,王国栋,王俊凯:一种管线钢的钙处理方法,申请号:201410499661.3,申请日期:2014.9.25。

24. 金从进;何平显;沈钟铭;甘菲芳;姚金甫;杨健;职建军;王峰 :一种抗渣侵蚀好的尖晶石质可塑料及制备方法, 申请号:201410371192.7。申请日期:2014-07-31。

25. 杨健,高珊,祝凯,张才毅,王睿之,马志刚,徐国栋,王俊凯:一种低碳当量可大线能量焊接用厚钢板及其制造方法,专利号:ZL201410699767.8 ,授权公告日:2017-2-22。

26. 杨健,高珊,祝凯,张才毅,王睿之,马志刚,徐国栋,王俊凯:一种可大线能量焊接用厚钢板及其制造方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL201410699768.2,授权公告日:2017-1-25。

27. 杨健; 高珊; 马志刚; 祝凯; 张才毅; 王睿之; 王俊凯; 徐国栋:一种焊接热影响区韧性优异的厚钢板及其制造方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL201310712505.6,授权公告日:2016-6-22。

28. 杨健; 高珊; 马志刚; 祝凯; 张才毅; 王睿之; 王俊凯; 徐国栋:一种低碳当量焊接热影响区韧性优异的厚钢板及其制造方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL201310711812.2,授权公告日:2016-8-17。

29. 甘菲芳,赵明,姚金甫,金从进,郑庆,马志刚,杨健,刘继鸣,王峰:一种MgO-Al2O3质高温热态修补材料及其使用方法,专利号:201310712289.5。授权公告日:2017-6-6。

30. 杨健,职建军,祝凯,朱建铧,范正洁,王睿之,沈建国,郑贻郁:钢液表面附近流速的测量装置和方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL201210485150.7,授权公告日:2016-6-29。

31. 杨健,职建军,祝凯,朱建铧,范正洁,王睿之:一种钢液表面附近流速的连续测量装置和方法,中国专利,专利号:ZL201210487402.X,授权公告日:2016-7-6。

32. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,马志刚: 一种大线能量焊接厚钢板及其制造方法 ,专利号:ZL 201210062696.1,授权日期:2014-03-19。

33. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,马志刚: 一种大线能量焊接用厚钢板及其制造方法,专利号:ZL 201210062515.5A。,授权日期:2014-06-04。

34. 郑宏光; 李元; 马天军; 杨健; 朱信国; 刘旭峰; 范正洁; 沈建国:一种高强度镍基耐蚀合金及其制造方法, 专利号:ZL 201110209582.0,授权日期:2014-10-1。

35. 郑宏光,李元,朱信国,杨健,刘旭峰,陆建生:一种超低氧低膨胀合金的制造方法,专利号:ZL 201110310398.5Â,授权日期:2013-3-13。

36. 郑庆,杨健:一种钢铁生产过程用于细化析出物的合金及其使用方法,发明专利,申请号201110080313.9,申请日期:2011-03-31。

37. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,张毅、王国栋、沈建国:一种利用钢中纳米析出物提高厚钢板大线能量焊接性能的方法, 发明专利,ZL201010263961.3。授权日期:2013-11-20。

38. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,张毅、王国栋、沈建国:大线能量焊接用厚钢板中纳米析出物的控制方法, 专利号:ZL 201010207119.8Â,授权日期:2012-10-10。

39. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,沈建国:大线能量焊接用厚钢板的夹杂物控制方法,专利号:ZL 201010122508.0Â,授权日期:2012-11-14。

40. 杨健,祝凯,王睿之,沈建国:一种提高厚钢板大线能量焊接性能的方法,专利号:ZL 201010122506.1Â ,授权日期:2012-09-11。

41. 杨健,祝凯,沈建国:可大线能量焊接厚钢板制造过程中添加镁的方法,专利号:ZL 200810201494.4Â, 授权日期:2011-11-23。

42. 杨健:一种利用铝热还原反应对炼钢渣改质的方法,专利号:ZL 200810203533.4,授权日期:2011-07-13

43. 贺万宁,杨健,帅志泉,李宗雄:高收率制取高纯硫酸锰溶液,国家发明专利授权,ZL92112673.5。

44. 杨健,李宗雄,贺万宁:用软锰矿生产高纯碳酸锰的方法,国家发明专利授权,ZL94113105.X。

