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创建时间:  2019年12月25日 09:13  高珊    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Models of burden distribution in the blast furnace

报告内容简介:本次报告,Henrik教授将为我们带来他在高炉布料模型方面的有关特别见解,欢迎 研究相关领域和感兴趣的老师和同学们积极参与。

报告人姓名:Henrik Saxén

报告人简介(中文):Henrik Saxén教授,现热工与流体实验室主任,化学工程研究院主任,前芬兰爱博学术大学副董事长,精通瑞典语、芬兰语、 荷兰语和英语。 担任芬兰科学院、瑞典能源机构和知识基金、挪威研究理事会、南非国家研究基金、奥地利维也纳研究院、 爱尔兰科学基金、卢丁堡国家科学基金、荷兰SWT和欧盟RFCS等委员和专家 长期从事冶金生产过程控制与优化,诊断与分 析现场数据发掘与应用研究,冶金工艺数学模型,神经网络、遗传算法在工业过程应用等研究取得了丰硕科研和应用成果 (芬兰Ruukki专家系统主要完成者),先后在《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》、《ISIJ International》、 《Ironmaking and Steelmaking》、《Steel Research International》等国际知名冶金期刊上发表200多篇高质量学术论文和500 多篇会议论文。瑞典皇家工学院的外籍教授,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学冶金组的外聘教授和德国亚琛工大的合作教授。长期 和芬兰、瑞典、德国、英国、印度、法国、奥地利、韩国等国家的钢铁公司,以及德国BFI, 比利时CRM,荷兰塔塔研发中 心和瑞典Swerea钢铁研究机构合作和项目。

报告人简介(英文):Prof. Henrik Saxén has since 1997 been professor in Heat Engineering at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Åbo Akademi University. He was dean of the Department of Chemical Engineering in 1998-2000 and vice rector within research of Åbo Akademi University in 2006-2009. He has published about 130 journal papers on topics in chemical and metallurgical engineering. He has been the principal investigator in numerous national research projects funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and the Academy of Finland, and has been actively involved in European projects under the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. He has good contacts with steel industry and research institutes in the field worldwide. Prof. Saxén acts in the international advisory board of Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International and as guest editor in special issues. He has supervised 13 PhD theses and more than 70 master’s theses, and has evaluated more than 25 PhD theses (opponent or pre-examination).


报告人单位(英文):Åbo Akademi University

报告时间:2019-12-25 17:47




上一条:12月30日:Nexus between density functional theory simulation and atom probe microscopy
