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创建时间:  2023年08月23日 15:27  樊建荣    浏览次数:


报告题目(英文):Nano-engineering of metallic materials

报告内容简介:The diversities in crystalline structure and the hierarchical features of the structures in metals lead to their distinguished deformation behaviour, elastic properties, magnetic properties, electric properties, mechanical properties, etc. Over the last decades, based on multi-scale understanding of the metallic materials - from metre (components) to micrometre (grains and phases) and further down to nanometre (second phases and stacking faults), a number of extraordinary metallic materials have been successfully developed and commonly applied, e.g. ultra-strong steels for automotive and aerospace applications, orthopedic medical materials, etc. This research work will present the alloy design, multi-scale characterization and nano-engineering approaches that offer new opportunities to design and engineer the novel metallic materials into hierarchical structures with tailored properties. New approach that aid controlling the process of phase transformation during deformation and/or thermal treatment in the materials will be discussed.


报告人简介(中文):宋雯雯教授于2009年获得菠菜担保网论坛材料工程硕士学位,2014年获得德国亚琛工业大学博士学位,博后期间受邀在英国剑桥大学(2015-2016)和英国牛津大学(2018)进行访问学者科研项目,2016-2022年担任亚琛工业大学钢铁研究所纳米结构金属材料课题组组长,2019年当选德国北威州科学院青年院士, 曾获德国亚琛工大腓特烈勋章,德国先进钢铁材料创新奖, 美国加州大学伯克利大学冯卡曼学者等。宋雯雯教授现任德国卡塞尔大学全尺度结构材料工程系系主任,德国自然科学基金项目评审专家,德国洪堡评审专家,荷兰自然科学基金项目评审专家,欧盟地平线计划专家,清华大学国际硕士海外教师及清华-亚琛高级研究员,东北大学111引智计划海外专家等。宋教授团队多年致力于研究钢铁材料的开发,应用,创新与可持续发展。

报告人简介(英文):Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wenwen Song received her master degree in Materials Engineering at Shanghai University in 2009 and completed her Ph.D. study with “summa cum laude” at Steel Institute (IEHK), RWTH Aachen University in 2014. During 2016-2022, Prof. Song worked as the group leader of Nanostructured Materials at RWTH Aachen. Prof. Song was a guest scientist at the University of Cambridge, UK, during 2015-2016, a guest scientist at the University of Oxford in 2018 and won Théodore von Kármán Fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley in 2021. Prof. Song was selected as Junges Kolleg (Young Academician) at the NRW Academy of Science in Germany in 2019. Prof. Song was appointed by the University of Kassel in 2023 as the head of the department for “Granularity of Structural Information in Materials Engineering” in the Institute of Materials Engineering. Her research focuses on developing novel metallic materials and processes for various sustainable application.


报告人单位(英文):University of Kassel, Germany

报告时间:2023-08-25 下午2:30

报告地点:宝山校区 东区8号楼 508 会议室



